Parking, basketball hoops and trash receptacles during snow/ice events



Residents of New Paltz

We ask for your help in keeping our roads open this winter.  We ask that you please park your cars in a driveway and not on the shoulder of the road.

*Please remove any basketball hoops, and waste receptacles, that are in the town’s right of way which is 14 ft off the edge of the blacktop, as the Town will NOT be responsible for those that may get broken during any type of snow/ice event.

*When shoveling your driveway, it would be helpful to place the snow past your driveway on the shoulder of the road NOT in the middle of the road, so when the plow comes through the snow will be pushed past your driveway and not back in it.

We thank you for your help in having an uneventful winter.

New Paltz Town Code, 133-3: Prohibitions:

The parking, stopping or standing of any motor vehicle or snowmobile by any person upon any highway, including the roadway, shoulder and/or slope thereof, between the hours of midnight through 7 AM of any day during the consecutive five (5) month period commencing 12:01 AM November 1 in each year and continuing through 12:01 AM April 1 in the next succeeding year is prohibited.

Please help us keep our roadways safe for everyone.

Chris Marx

Superintendent of Highways