The Town of New Paltz Highway Department is asking for your help this winter in limiting damage that occurs from snow discharge from the Town plows.

Heavy snow/ice/slush discharged from a plow has the possibility to knock down a mailbox/post when not properly secured.  Most mailboxes/posts, if properly placed and installed will withstand the discharge from a plow.

The town will NOT be responsible for damage done to mailboxes/posts knocked down by snow, ice, or slush discharged from a plow. Please be responsible and check the condition of your mailboxes and posts for rotten wood or unsecured boxes to the posts.

More often, upon investigations, most mailboxes and posts were found to be in poor condition, having rotted posts, rusted off doors and not fully secured in the ground. Duck tape, bungee cords, etc are not acceptable means of securing your mailbox. has mailbox guidelines;  When installing a post; the best mailbox supports are stable but bend or fall away if a car hits them. A 4"x4" wooden support or a 2"-diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe. Avoid unyeilding and potentially dangerous supports, like heavy metal pipes, concrete posts and farm equipment. Bury your post no more than 24" deep.

Position your mailbox 41" to 45" above ground level. Place your mailbox 6" to 8" back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance.

Mailboxes take a beating from the weather, so we recommend an annual mailbox checkup to avoid damage. Tighten loose hinges on the door, take care of rusty or loose parts.