New Paltz Youth Program - Red Vest Day

New Paltz Youth Program - Red Vest Day

Today is an exciting day!

NPYP will be visited by 30-40 Lowes workers from all over the county to help with various projects around the center.  As you may already know, NPYP, was one of 100 winners (out of 2,000 applicants) to receive a Lowes Home Community Grant.

Today's day started at 9:00am and we will be painting the downstairs of the youth center, building a huge gazebo, and adding a storage shed.

The center will be open as usual, but we will be asking the kids to join in the fun as well.

In fact, if anyone has some time to lend a hand, feel free to stop by.  

Looking forward to some of these fun upgrades. We will be sure to share some photos.

Thanks for your continued support!