Town Board Meeting

Thursday, December 7, 2017 - 7:30pm

Revised 12/7/17 12:18 am

Added item #s 5e,5f,and 5g

Reversed items 6b and  6c

uploaded pdfs for items 5f and 5g



New Paltz Town Board

December 7, 2017   7:30 pm

Community Center     3 Veterans Drive

*PLEASE NOTE: Comments from the public may be made during the Public Input period only. There is a sign-up sheet available for those who would like to speak.  In the interest of time, please limit your comments to three minutes or less.*


Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda


Public Input* (see note above)

  1. Mercier Farms: Planning Board fee dispute
  2. Approval of Minutes: 11/17 Police Commission; 11/17 Joint Meeting
  3. Appointments
    a. Rizzo resignation, NPPD
    b. Jaffee appointment, Building Dept.

c. Calimano reappointment, Planning Board

  1. Financial:
    a. Establishment of escrow: 129 Plains Rd.
    b. AOT meeting attendance
    c. Authorization of Spectrum install: Moriello Pool
    d. Establishment of incentive rate for opt-out from employee health insurance

e. Budget modifications/prepays

  1. Legal:
    a. UPWP Project Application resolution
    b. Green Infrastructure grant resolution
    c. 2018 DWI Task Force Agreement

d. Adoption of Ulster County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (synopsis and link available at )

e. Franchise Realty consent order and judgment resolution

f. NYSDEC Capital Project Grant Resolution

g. Taliaferro easement

6. New Business:
                  a. Letter of support for UC DMV Mobile Unit grant application

      b. Moriello Park

      c. Mill Brook Preserve Recreation Plan and MOA

